Project-related Publications
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Destradi, Sandra and Johannes Vüllers (2024), Populism and the Liberal International Order: An Analysis of UN Voting Patterns, The Review of International Organizations.
Destradi, Sandra and Johannes Plagemann (2024), Do Populists Escalate International Disputes?, International Affairs 100 (5): 1919-1940.
Wajner, Daniel F., Sandra Destradi and Michael Zürn (2024), The Effects of Global Populism: Assessing the Populist Impact on International Affairs, International Affairs 100 (5): 1819–1833.
Destradi, Sandra (2023), Populism and Status-Seeking in World Politics, International Studies Review 25 (4). https://doi.org/10.1093/isr/viad035.
Plagemann, Johannes, Carlos Heras Rodríguez and Sandra Destradi (2022), Populist Foreign Policy and Mobilization in Bolivia, Política. Revista De Ciencia Política 60 (2): 9–32.
Destradi, Sandra, Johannes Plagemann and Hakkı Taş (2022), Populism and the Politicization of Foreign Policy, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 24 (3): 475–492.
Destradi, Sandra, David Cadier and Johannes Plagemann (2021), Populism and Foreign Policy: a research agenda (Introduction), Comparative European Politics 19 (6): 663-682.
Destradi, Sandra and Johannes Plagemann (2019). Populism and International Relations: (Un)predictability, Personalisation, and the Reinforcement of Existing Trends in World Politics, Review of International Studies 45(5): 711–730.
Plagemann, Johannes and Sandra Destradi (2019), Populism and Foreign Policy: The Case of India, Foreign Policy Analysis 15(2): 283–301.
Other publications
Destradi, Sandra (2024), Qu’est-ce qu’une politique étrangère populiste?, Politique étrangère 242 (2): 49-60.
Destradi,Sandra (2022), Wolfgang Muno und Christian Pfeiffer (Hrsg.) (2021): Populismus an der Macht. Strategien und Folgen populistischen Regierungshandelns (Rezension), Politische Vierteljahresschrift 63 (4): 751-753.
Plagemann, Johannes (2020). Populismus und Außenpolitik: Trump, Modi, Erdoğan & Co verändern die Welt. Welche Folgen hat das für den Westen und für den Multilateralismus? Internationale Politik (May/June 2020).
Plagemann, Johannes and Sandra Destradi (2020). The Foreign Policy of Populists, Horizons (15), 110-118.
Plagemann, Johannes and Sandra Destradi (2019). What Modi Teaches Us about Populist Foreign Policy, East Asia Forum.
Plagemann, Johannes and Andrea Ufen (2017). Spielarten des Populismus in Asien. GIGA Focus Asien (07/2017), Hamburg: GIGA.